Thông tư 09/2015/TT-BKHCN

Circular No. 09/2015/TT-BKHCN dated May 15, 2015, regulations on management of activities of enhancing national scientific and technological capability supported by the national foundation for science and technology development

Nội dung toàn văn Circular No. 09/2015/TT-BKHCN enhancing national scientific technological capability supported


Independence – Freedom - Happiness

No. 09/2015/TT-BKHCN

Hanoi, May 15, 2015




Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 20/2013/NĐ-CP dated February 02, 2013 defining the functions, tasks, entitlements and organizational structure of the Ministry of Science and Technology;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 23/2014/NĐ-CP dated April 03, 2014 on Charter of organization and operation of the National Foundation for science and technology development;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 40/2014/NĐ-CP dated May 12, 2014 regulating use of individuals working in science and technology;

At the request of Director of the National Foundation for science and technology development and Director General of Legal Department;

The Minister of Science and Technology promulgates the Circular regulating management of activities of enhancing national scientific and technological capability supported by the National Foundation for science and technology development.

Chapter I


Article 1. Governing scope

This Circular regulates the implementation of activities of enhancing national scientific and technological capability supported by the National Foundation for science and technology development (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) including:

1. Participate and report research findings at international conferences and scientific seminars;

2. Conduct postdoctoral research;

3. Short-term practice and research abroad;

4. Organize international scientific conferences in Vietnam;

5. Make public announcement of domestic and international science and technology works;

6. Improve quality and standard of science and technology magazines in the country;

7. Register protection of intellectual property rights at home and abroad for patents and plant varieties;

8. Support young and talented scientists in using key laboratories at national level and other laboratories;

9. Commend organizations or individuals for excellent achievements in conducting basic and applied researches and activities of enhancing scientific and technological capability supported by the Fund;

Article 2. Regulated entities

1. Vietnamese science and technology organizations, foreign science and technology organizations operating in Vietnam;

2. Individuals working in science and technology in Vietnam, individuals working in science and technology abroad and having registered postdoctoral research program in Vietnam;

3. Other relevant regulatory agencies, organizations and individuals;

Article 3. Interpretation of terms

1. International scientific conferences and seminars mean activities which are organized to facilitate direct meeting among scientists of different nationalities, working in different countries for presentation and discussion about profound research findings in one or more topics or scientific specialties.

2. International scientific seminars mean international scientific seminars specialized in a particular scientific specialty.

3. Young talented scientists mean individuals that work in science and technology and meet standards as prescribed in Article 23 of the Decree No. 40/2014/NĐ-CP dated May 15, 2014.

4. Prestigious international magazines, ISI magazines mean scientific magazines as prescribed in Clauses 3, 4, Article 2 of the Circular No. 37/2014/TT-BKHCN dated December 12, 2014.

5. Professional scientific magazines mean scientific periodicals that announce profound research findings in a certain scientific specialty.

Article 4. Objectives of supports

Improve scientific research capacity and quality in Vietnam through creation of favorable conditions for scientists to have exchanges of scientific matters, announce research findings, international integration in scientific research.

Article 5. Principles of supporting

1. Ensure objectivity, democracy and equality in the examination and approval for registration for supports; post the program and procedures for supports on the website of the Fund.

2. Support high-quality activities in accordance with the international standard in scientific research.

3. Use part of the budget to sponsor activities as prescribed in Article 1 hereof and do not re-sponsor activities sponsored by other organizations or agencies.

4. Annual support budget for activities as prescribed in Article 1 hereof should not exceed total budget approved under the Fund’s plan.

Chapter II


Article 6. Participating and reporting research findings at international scientific conferences and seminars

The Fund shall consider and support young talented scientists for participating in international scientific conferences, seminars, scientists participating and making excellent reports on scientific research works at professional international scientific seminars.

1. Conditions for supports:

Young talented scientists who request supports (hereinafter referred to as applicants) for participation in international scientific seminars: from 35 years old and under at the time of conference, seminar opening, having a report accepted for oral presentation at international scientific conferences and seminars organized by reputable organizations in the area. Conferences, seminars must be attended by scientists who have research findings announced on prestigious international magazines in the field, have oral presentation of reports, have a website for providing introduction, information and news;

b) Scientists who request supports (hereinafter referred to as applicants) for participation and have excellent reports on scientific research works at professional international scientific seminars: Have excellent scientific research works accepted for oral presentation at professional international scientific seminars. Conferences, seminars must be periodically organized by reputable organizations in the area and attended by scientists having research findings announced on prestigious ISI magazines, making oral presentation of reports and having a website for providing information and news.

2. Criteria for supports:

Quality of conferences and seminars: to be assessed on the basis of organization of conferences and seminars (organizers, organizing committees, attending scientists), reputation of conferences, seminars (quality of previously organized conferences, seminars, and level of influence (if any));

b) Research achievements of applicants;

c) Appropriate cost estimates

3. Content of support

Supports for a single scientist to participate in international scientific conferences, seminars: one (01) return air ticket (economy class) from Vietnam to host countries, expenses for travel, accommodation, insurance during the development of conferences, seminars (excluding return days), expenses for participation in conferences, seminars as regulated by the organizing committee (if any);

b) Period between two consecutive supports made by the Fund for a single scientist participating in international scientific conferences, seminars is from 24 months and over (based on openings of conferences, seminars…); For young talented scientists that do not belong to public science and technology organizations, period between two consecutive supports is from 12 months and over.

4. Registration documentation:

Request form according to Form NCNLQG 01 as prescribed in the Appendix hereof bearing confirmations by their agencies, organizations where they work and study;

b) Invitation letter for presentation of scientific reports at conferences and seminars;

c) Scientific reports to be presented at conferences and seminars;

d) Academic credentials of applicants according to Form NCNLQG 02 prescribed in the Appendix hereof;

dd) Documents proving that young talented scientists do not belong to public science and technology organizations (if any);

e) Estimation of budget requested for supports of which the expenses undertaken to be supported (if any) by organizing committees, or other organizations must be specified according to Form NCNLQG 03 as prescribed in the Appendix hereof

5. Registration for supports:

Document submission location: Office of National Foundation for science and technology development;

b) Document submission time: Two (02) months before opening day of conferences and seminars;

Article 7. Post-doctoral research

1. Conditions for supports:

Vietnamese and foreign scientists who meet the following conditions shall be considered for supports for conducting post-doctoral research in Vietnam:

Have doctoral degree and author at least one (01) press article published on prestigious international magazines within five years since the date of document submission Young talented scientists that do not belong to public science and technology organizations;

b) Patronized by a Vietnamese scientist for post-doctoral research; The patron of post-doctoral research must meet the following conditions:

i) Author at least one (01) scientific article published on prestigious ISI magazines within five (05) years since the date of document submission;

ii) Not be an instructor to the applicant at doctoral training level;

c) Appointed by a Vietnamese science and technology organization as a post-doctoral research presiding unit; The presiding unit must have adequate facilities for research development, agree to receive people for conducting post-doctoral research and agree to support, create favorable conditions and allow use of facilities for research development. Post-doctoral research presiding units that are other than the doctoral training units of applicants shall be prioritized for consideration.

2. Criteria for supports:

a) Quality of explanation of research outline;

b) Research achievements of applicants;

c) Patrons’ research achievements; presiding unit’s professional conformity and facility conditions;

3. Content of support

a) Expenses for traveling to post-doctoral research presiding units and returning shall be supported once at a time for those who conduct post-doctoral research and do not live in provinces, cities where post-doctoral research presiding units are available;

b) Subsistence shall be supported to those who conduct post-doctoral research for no more than 12 months; After schedule of registered post-doctoral research program has been completed, scientists shall continue to submit registration documentation for post-doctoral research supported by the Fund Total time for a scientist to conduct post-doctoral research is no more than 24 months.

4. Requirements for results of post-doctoral research:

a) Author at least one (01) press article published on prestigious international magazine in conformity with registered research orientations;

b) Research findings in acknowledgement of the Fund's supports.

5. Registration documentation includes:

a) Request form for supports of post-doctoral research according to Form NCNLQG 04 as prescribed in Appendix hereof;

b) Academic resume of applicants according to Form NCNLQG 02 prescribed in Appendix hereof;

c) Copy of doctoral degree;

d) Papers proving that young talented scientists do not belong to public science and technology organizations (if any);

dd) Explanation of post-doctoral research outline (clarifying objectives, content, method and plans for research and planned accomplishments) bearing confirmations by patrons and research presiding units;

e) Request form for supports by post-doctoral research patrons according to Form NCNLQG 05 as prescribed in Appendix hereof;

g) Academic resume of post-doctoral research patron according to Form NCNLQG 02 as prescribed in Appendix hereof;

6. Registration for supports:

a) Document submission location: Office of the National Foundation for science and technology development;

b) Document submission time: Three months at the latest before planned commencement date for post-doctoral research

Article 8. Short-term practice and research abroad

1. Conditions for supports:

Short-term practice and research abroad shall be considered for supports with respect to scientists who meet the following conditions:

a) Be invited to participate in practice and research by foreign science and technology organizations or foreign scientists who have research findings published on prestigious international magazines within five years up to the time of document submission;

b) Fall within either of the following cases:

- Be on a science and technology mission at national or equivalent level; Practice and research aimed at dealing with domestic issues beyond the country’s capacity;

- Take part in the cooperation program between the Fund and foreign organizations to enhance capacity and possibility of research cooperation with international scientists;

- Be a young talented scientist that does not belong to public science and technology organizations; register short-term research abroad in the area prioritized for development by Vietnam at the time of registration;

2. Criteria for supports:

a) Quality of explanation of research outline;

b) Research achievements of applicants;

c) Research achievements of foreign scientists as partners; professional conformity and facility conditions of foreign science and technology organizations;

dd) Appropriate budget estimates;

3. Content of support

Expenses supported for individual scientists taking short-term practice and research abroad include a return air ticket (economy class) from Vietnam to the research presiding unit, traveling, accommodation and insurance during the stay abroad.

4. Registration documentation includes:

a) Request form for supports with confirmations by agencies, organization where they work according to Form NCNLQG 06 as prescribed in Appendix hereof;

b) Invitation letter by two scientists according to Form NCNLQG 07 as prescribed in Appendix hereof; The scientist that writes the invitation letter must have the same profession as the person who requests support, obtains doctoral degree and has research findings published on prestigious international magazines within five years up to the time of document submission;

c) Invitation letter for research cooperation by foreign science and technology organizations or acceptance letter for instructions on research by foreign scientists of the same scientific profession by which location, time and content of practice and research as well as payment for relevant expenses must be specified;

d) Explanation of research outline (clarifying objectives, meaning and necessities of practice and research trip, content, method and plans for research and planned accomplishments) accepted by foreign scientists;

dd) Academic resume of applicants according to Form NCNLQG 02 as prescribed in Appendix hereof;

e) Papers proving satisfaction of the conditions as set out in Point h, Clause 1 hereof;

g) Budget estimates requested for supports of which the expenses to be sponsored by foreign side (if any) must be specified according to Form NCNLQG 08 as prescribed in Appendix hereof;

5. Registration for supports:

a) Document submission location: Office of the National Foundation for science and technology development;

b) Document submission time: Three months at the latest before planned commencement date for post-doctoral research abroad;

Article 9. Organizing professional international scientific seminars in Vietnam

1. Conditions for supports:

Organization of professional international scientific seminars in Vietnam that meets the following conditions shall be considered for supports:

a) Professional international scientific seminars to be organized by reputable organizations in the area and a website for coverage of the seminars;

b) Professional international scientific seminars to be attended by domestic and foreign scientists who have research findings published on prestigious international magazines in the area registered for participation and have oral presentation at the seminars;

c) Patronized by science and technology agencies and reputable occupational organizations in the area;

d) In conformity with activities of organizers;

2. Criteria for supports:

a) Quality of seminars: quality assessment is based on organization of seminars (organizers, organizing committees, program committees, attending scientists), reputation of seminars (quality of previously organized seminars);

b) Significance of seminars on field of research in Vietnam;

c) Research achievements of foreign scientists who request supports of expenses for participation in seminars;

d) Appropriate budget estimates;

3. Content of support

Supports by the Fund include expenses for feedback reports, printing of summary record of seminars (no more than 300 books), accommodation for foreign experts, scientists who are invited and give a presentation at seminars (no more than 10 persons);

4. Registration documentation includes:

a) Request form for supports submitted by presiding agencies, organizations according to Form NCNLQG 09 as prescribed in Appendix hereof;

b) Permission for organization of seminars issued by competent authorities;

c) Budget estimates for organization of seminars including detailed estimation of expenses requested for supports according to Form NCNLQG 10 as prescribed in Appendix hereof;

d) Lists of scientists registering participation in seminars;

dd) Academic resume and scientific reports (English version) by foreign scientists who ask for supports to participate in seminars;

5. Registration for supports:

a) Document submission location: Office of the National Foundation for science and technology development;

b) Document submission time: Three months at the latest before opening day of seminars;

Article 10. Announcement of domestic and international scientific and technological works

1. Conditions for supports:

Scientific works to be considered for supports must meet the following conditions:

a) Research findings made in Vietnam;

b) Research findings announced on prestigious ISI magazines;

c) Authors of the works must specify announced information concerning ethics, security, politics, sovereignty and secrecy of the State (if any) and guarantee that such announcement does not commit violations or have negative effects on these matters.

2. Criteria for supports:

Reputation of magazines publishing scientific works determined on the basis of impact factor and international rating at the time of announcement;

3. Content of support

a) In case research findings of topics, tasks, projects conducted in Vietnam using state budget are announced, the Fund shall support expense for placement of research findings in magazines;

b) In case research findings conducted by scientists themselves without use of state budget are announced, the Fund shall make partial support for completion of research findings, writing for the press and expenses for placement of research findings. Young talented scientists that do not belong to public science and technology organizations shall be prioritized.

4. Request documentation for supports:

a) Request form for supports according to Form NCNLQG 11 as prescribed in Appendix hereof;

b) Academic resume of authors according to Form NCNLQG 02 as prescribed in Appendix hereof;

c) Papers proving that authors are young talented scientists do not belong to public science and technology organizations (if any);

d) Copy of announced scientific works;

dd) Legal documentary evidence of payment for announcement of scientific works

5. Registration for supports:

a) Document submission location: Office of the National Foundation for science and technology development;

b) Document submission time: a maximum of six months since the time of announcement;

Article 11. Enhancing quality and standard of domestic scientific and technological magazines

1. Conditions for supports:

Domestic scientific and technological magazines to be supported for enhancement of quality and standard must meet the following conditions:

a) As a Vietnamese specialized edition published in English language;

b) Have a process of reception, appraisal of manuscripts and release of press articles in accordance with international standards for publication of scientific works;

2. Criteria for supports:

a) Existing quality of magazines;

b) Plans for enhancing quality and standard of magazines (objectives, content; approaches, plans)

c) Appropriate budget estimates;

3. Content of support

The Fund shall consider the followings:

a) Expenses for assessment of magazine quality (no more than one time of assessment a two-year period);

b) Expenses for world-renown publishers to publish magazines for no more than two years;

c) Expenses for employment of English editor for no more than two years;

4. Registration documentation includes:

a) Request form for supports according to Form NCNLQG 12 as prescribed in Appendix hereof;

b) Explanation of organization of magazines, process of publishing scientific works, plans for enhancing quality and standard of magazines;

c) Academic resumes of editorial staff of magazines according to Form NCNLQG 02 as prescribed in Appendix hereof;

d) Result of magazine quality assessment conducted by an independent assessing organization;

dd) Budget estimates requested for supports according to Form NCNLQG 13 as prescribed in Appendix hereof;

5. Registration for supports:

a) Document submission location: Office of the National Foundation for science and technology development;

b) Document submission time: as requested by registration organizations;

Article 12. Registration for protection of intellectual property rights at home and abroad for patents and plant varieties

1. Conditions for supports:

The following conditions shall be considered for supports:

a) Patents, plant varieties are research findings in Vietnam;

b) Diploma in intellectual property rights protection for patents and plant varieties granted by competent agencies;

c) Intellectual property rights for patents and plant varieties completely belong to Vietnamese organizations or individuals;

2. Criteria for supports:

Significance and applicability of patents and plant varieties;

3. Content of support

One-time support for initial registration of intellectual property rights for patents and plant varieties;

4. Registration documentation includes:

a) Request form for supports according to Form NCNLQG 14 as prescribed in Appendix hereof;

b) Copy of scientific works for registration of intellectual property rights protection;

c) Explanation specifying significance and applicability of patents and plant varieties;

d) Copy of diploma in intellectual property rights protection for patents and plant varieties granted by competent agencies;

dd) Academic resume of authors according to Form NCNLQG 02 as prescribed in Appendix hereof;

e) Legal documentary evidence of payment for initial registration of intellectual property rights for patents and plant varieties;

5. Registration for supports:

a) Document submission location: Office of the National Foundation for science and technology development;

b) Document submission time: Maximum of one year since the diploma in intellectual property rights protection is issued by competent agencies;

Article 13. Supporting young talented scientists that do not belong to public science and technology organizations in using national laboratories and other laboratories

1. Conditions for supports:

Young talented scientists that meet the following conditions shall be considered for use of national laboratories and other laboratories:

a) Young talented scientists that do not belong to public science and technology organizations;

b) Have a demand for using national key laboratories and other laboratories to perform meaningful and practical science and technology activities;

2. Criteria for supports:

a) Quality of explanation of research outline;

b) Research achievements of applicants;

c) Professional conformity and facility conditions of laboratories requested for use

d) Appropriate budget estimates;

3. Content of support

Supported expenses for use of facilities and services in labs for a maximum of two years including:

a) Expenses for operation of machinery, equipment (including personnel) in laboratories approved by lab managing units;

b) Expenses for purchase of raw materials, fuel used during the experiment; expenses for hire of services provided by labs;

4. Request documentation for supports:

a) Request form for supports according to Form NCNLQG 15 as prescribed in Appendix hereof;

b) Academic resume of applicants according to Form NCNLQG 02 as prescribed in Appendix hereof;

c) Papers proving that young talented scientists do not belong to public science and technology organizations;

d) Explanation specifying significance and necessities of using laboratories; objectives, content, methods and plans for research, planned accomplishments;

dd) Requested budget estimates according to Form NCNLQG 16 as prescribed in Appendix hereof;

5. Registration for supports:

a) Document submission location: Office of the National Foundation for science and technology development;

b) Document submission time: Maximum of three months before national key laboratories and other labs are used;

Article 14. Commending organizations, individuals for remarkable achievements in performance of fundamental and applied research, activities of improving scientific and technological capability sponsored by the Fund

Annually, the Fund shall consider commending organizations, individuals for remarkable achievements in performance of fundamental and applied research, activities of improving scientific and technological capability sponsored by the Fund;

1. Conditions for commendation:

a) For individuals: achieve research findings from topics, tasks sponsored by the Fund and announced on prestigious ISI magazines, or granted diploma in intellectual property rights protection for patents and plant varieties by competent agencies, be introduced and proposed for commendation by Council of Science (as prescribed in Article 8 of the Circular No. 37/2014/TT-BKHCN dated December 12, 2014) and agree to take part in activities of commendation organized by the Fund;

b) For organizations: Successfully preside over the implementation of topics, duties sponsored by the Fund, have individual members commended and agree to take part in activities of commendation organized by the Fund;

2. Criteria for commendation:

a) For individuals: Significance, scientific value and practice of announced research findings with contribution of individuals through recommendation by the Council of Science;

b) For organizations: successfully preside over the implementation of topics, tasks sponsored by the Fund; scientists that belong to the organization have achieved remarkable achievements in research;

3. Documentation for consideration of commendation shall comprise result of performing topics and tasks sponsored by the Fund, proposals for commendation by the Council of Science and confirmed agreement of relevant organizations or individuals on participating in activities of commendation organized by the Fund. Organizations or individuals shall not be required to make registration for commendation.

4. Fund Management Board shall present certificate of merit and cash bonus according to applicable regulations to organizations or individuals that have had remarkable achievements in the performance of fundamental and applied research and activities of enhancing scientific and technological capability sponsored by the Fund. Commended achievements of organizations or individuals shall be documented and filed at the Fund and serve as foundations for consideration and approval for later supports.

Chapter III


Article 15. Consideration of requests for supports

1. Based on provisions set out hereof, upon receipt of request documentation submitted by organizations or individuals, the Fund’s Management Agency shall carry out consideration and appraisal of the documentation. Any documentation that is inadequate or fails to meet deadlines of submission or falls within the cases prescribed in Clause 2, Article 16 hereof shall not be taken into consideration.

In case the documentation is eligible, the Fund’s Management Agency shall carry out collection of feedbacks from at least two experts in the following cases:

a) Post-doctoral research:

b) Short-term practice and research abroad;

c) Enhancing quality and standard of domestic scientific and technological magazines;

d) Registration for protection of intellectual property rights at home and abroad for patents and plant varieties;

dd) Supporting young talented scientists that do not belong to public science and technology organizations in getting access to national laboratories and other laboratories;

2. Any documentation that meets the Fund’s requirements and receives proposals for supports from at least two-thirds of the experts shall be submitted by the Fund’s Management Agency to the Fund Management Board for consideration and decision. If necessary, the Fund’s Management Board shall collect more suggestions from independent experts before decision.

3. After the request documentation for supports is approved by the Fund’s Management Board, the Fund’s Management Agency shall make a written notification to organizations or individuals. Any rejected documentation shall not be returned.

4. Maximum time for handling and making notification of results is 30 working days since the Fund receives the documentation.

5. Commending organizations, individuals for remarkable achievements in performance of fundamental and applied research, activities of improving scientific and technological capability shall be organized on an annual basis. The Fund shall make written notification to organizations or individuals commended by the Fund’s Management Board, organize commendation ceremony and make public announcement of commendation results on the Fund’s website.

Article 16. Responsibilities of organizations or individuals sponsored by the Fund

1. Responsibilities of organizations or individuals sponsored by the Fund

a) Develop implementation of the matters under the plan and schedule approved by the Fund;

b) Use supported budget in a purposeful and effective way; provide adequate documentary evidence and carry out payment and final settlement according to applicable regulations;

c) Fully comply with regulations of host countries during staying abroad to perform activities sponsored by the Fund;

d) Report performance of activities and tasks and relevant results to the Fund (according to Form NCNLQG 17 as prescribed in Appendix hereof) within one (01) month after completion of the tasks.

Reports on results of practice and research abroad and use of national key laboratories and other laboratories made by young talented scientists must specify all the information stated in the Explanation of research outline confirmed by foreign scientists, science and technology organizations who have issued the invitation for practice and research, or by the laboratory’s governing unit;

dd) Acknowledge the Fund's supports in research findings announced (specify “Research is sponsored by the National Foundation for science and technology development (NAFOSTED)”), be responsible for information announced and published, intellectual property and other law provisions.

2. Organizations or individuals that violate provisions set out in Clause 1 of this Article and the Fund’s regulations shall not be permitted to make registration for supports within two years since the conclusion is issued by competent agencies. Any organization or individual that commits violations resulting in suspension of performance of the tasks sponsored by the Fund or criminal prosecution, or any violation of scientific ethics shall be banned from registration for supports for a period of five years since the conclusion is issued by competent agencies. If any violation is identified as bearing relation to commendation, the Fund shall issue a decision on cancellation of such commendation.

Chapter IV


Article 17. Effect

1. This Circular takes effect since August 01, 2015. Regulations on sponsorship of research activities enclosed with the Decision No. 03/QĐ-HĐQLQ dated June 15, 2009 of the National foundation for science and technology development expires since the effective date of this Circular.

2. Scientific research activities approved for supports by the Fund before the effective date of this Circular and proposals for supports sent to the Fund pending approval shall be instructed in accordance with the regulations on sponsorship of scientific research activities enclosed with the Decision 03/QĐ-HĐQLQ dated June 15, 2009 of the National foundation for science and technology development.

3. Any amendment or supplement made to this Circular shall be submitted by Director of the National foundation for science and technology development to the Minister of Science and Technology for decision. /.




Nguyen Quan


This translation is made by LawSoft and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by LawSoft and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

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