Nghị quyết 33/NQ-CP

Resolution No. 33/NQ-CP dated April 30, 2015, The Government’s regular meeting – April 2015

Nội dung toàn văn Resolution No. 33/NQ-CP The Government’s regular meeting April 2015


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 33/NQ-CP

Ha Noi, April 30, 2015





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated December 25, 2001;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree 08/2012/ND-CP dated February 16, 2012 promulgating the Working regulation of the Government;

Based on the discussions among the Cabinet members and the conclusion of the Prime Minister at the Government’s regular meeting held on April 25, 2015.


1. Regarding socio-economic situation in April and the first four months this year; the implementation of Resolution 01/NQ-CP dated January 3, 2015 of the Government on major tasks and solutions guiding the realization of the Plan for socio-economic development and State budget estimates for 2015.

The Government unanimously agreed: Socioeconomic situation witnessed positive changes with macroeconomic stability, slight increase in consumer price index, stable exchange rate and foreign currency market, noticeable increase of credit inflow into the economy, high growth rate of industrial production, especially processing and manufacturing, stable agricultural production despite adverse weather conditions, growth in service sector, high increase of aggregate demand, sustained momentum of exports, noticeable increase in disbursed foreign direct investment, official development assistance (ODA) and preferential loans, guaranteed social security, positive progress in reforming taxation, customs, and social insurance areas, enhanced national defense and security, maintained national sovereignty, social order and safety, and strengthened diplomatic activities.

However, the economy still faced numerous difficulties: Service and agriculture growth was lower against the same period, trade deficit tended to rise, the weather was complicated with prolonged drought in the centra l region and central highlands, which created combined impacts on agriculture and people’s life; forest fires, environmental pollution, crimes and social evils were complicated; a number of mountainous and ethnic residents and those in natural disaster hit areas still managed to earn a living.

The Government tasked ministries, agencies and localities to continue to bring into full play the obtained achievements, overcome difficulties, drastically and comprehensively realize tasks and solutions enshrined in the Resolution 01, Resolution19, and other resolutions passed at the Government’s regular meetings, focusing on the following missions:

- The State Bank of Viet Nam shall continue keeping close watch on the global economy, macro-economy, international payment balance and foreign currency market, actively regulate monetary tools; create favorable conditions for businesses and economic organizations to access to credit to help them facilitate business operations, speed up exports, especially farm produce; take prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Planning and Investment to mull over and submit a mechanism that allows borrowing from the State reserve to add capital to development investment without affecting the safety of the national financial system; effectively implement the project to restructure credit organizations and address bad debts.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall speed up and instruct ministries, agencies and localities to develop a medium term public investment plan for the period 2016 - 2020; organize the verification of and prepare ways to allocate capital for the projected period in accordance with the Law on Public Investment, then submit it to the Government at its meeting held on August 2015; continue accelerating the enforcement of solutions to mobilize social resources for development investment; boost trade and investment promotion activities, encourage foreign investment inflow into high-tech and supporting industries, and high value added projects; take measures to bolster disbursement of foreign direct investment, official development assistance and preferential loans, especially for key and urgent projects; mull over and report the allocation of official development assistance in 2015 to the Prime Minister for consideration before asking the National Assembly Standing Committee to approve in order to ensure the progress of ODA funded projects as committed in the agreements signed between Viet Nam and donors; take prime responsibility and coordinate with ministries, agencies, and localities to promptly propose solutions to supplement corresponding capital for ODA projects, particularly traffic infrastructure ones.

- The Ministry of Finance shall instruct and supervise the implementation of the Instruction No. 06/CT-TTg dated April 21, 2015 of the Prime Minister on finance budget tasks in 2015; fruitfully implement budget collection; strictly manage public debts while taking comprehensive measures to restructure the public debts; coordinate with the State Bank of Viet Nam to mull over solutions in support of capital market; continue to beef up reform of administrative procedures in the areas of taxation and customs; strengthen price management, especially prices of commodities wi th direct impacts on the rights of consumers.

- The Ministry of Industry ad Trade shall collaborate with the Ministry of Finance to deploy measures to accelerate exports and mitigate trade deficit; keep close watch on the market and enhance trade promotion; focus on building trade marks in order to improve the competitiveness of exports; coordinate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to beef up negotiations with potential partners to foster farm produce export; develop distribution networks, especially for farm produce; stimulate domestic consumption and continue with the campaign “Vietnamese prioritize to use Vietnamese goods”.

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall direct and closely monitor the weather conditions and water sources, and provide instructions for temporary and long term responses to drought in some of the provinces in the central region and central highlands as well as to saltwater intrusion in the Mekong Delta; organize the implementation of solutions to adjust crop plan structures in line with specific conditions of each locality; coordinate with the Viet Nam Fatherland Front to further dissemination of the new cooperative model; quickly design and submit to the Government a draft Decree on farm cooperatives within May 2015; coordinate with localities in reviewing, organizing and rearranging cooperatives in accordance with the Law on Cooperatives passed in 2012; mull over and put forward measures to protect aquaculture resources, especially during the breeding seasons; take prime responsibility and coordinate with relevant ministries and agencies to design specific mechanisms and policies to support agriculture development in line with the Project on restructuring agriculture; actively work with rubber and coffee exporting countries to harmonize the interests of relevant parties, push up domestic rubber and coffee production while expanding export horizon.

- The Ministry of Health shall direct the implementation of measures to raise the quality of public medical examination and treatment; speed up the autonomy mechanism for hospitals in terms of finance, investment and workforce; continue to collaborate with localities to enhance disease prevention and vaccination; promptly design and submit to the Government a draft Decree on immunization; coordinate with the Ministry of Finance to consider increases in the financial support for medical staffs who inject vaccines in the national expanded program on immunization, as well as increases in the prices of local vaccines.

- The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs shall ensure the implementation of social welfare and social security policies, especially for people with meritorious services to the revolution; enhance inspect ion of the observation of social and unemployment insurance regulations; timely detect and deal with violations, especially social, unemployment insurance premium evasion and debts, so as to ensure the rights of laborers; actively monitor and coordinate with relevant agencies in settling labor disputes to ensure security and social order; effectively deploy employment mechaisms and policies, especially job creation for the young and rural residents, ethic people and the disabled.

- The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall take prime responsibility and coordinate with ministries, agencies and localities to prepare a report assessing the implementation of the Resolution No. 92/NQ-CP dated December 8, 2014 regarding some measures to accelerate Viet Nam tourism development in the new context and submit the report to the Government at the regular meeting held in May this year. The report should include specific solutions regarding visa, tourism quality improvement, transportation, tax reduction and exemption, tourism promotion fund, etc; organize preliminary review and evaluation of the implementation of the Master plan to develop the physical strength and stature of Vietnamese people for the period 2011-2030; coordinate with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Training and localities to expand the coverage of the School Milk Program.

- The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall enhance inspection of natural resources and mineral exploitation and use; ensure strict compliance of regulations on environmental protection; resolutely deal with facilities that cause environmental pollution; improve the capacity of hydro-meteorological and natural disaster forecasting for active responses; develop a long-term plan to cope with climate change and prevent natural disasters.

- The Ministry of Construction shall review and access the implementation of social housing policies, work out comprehensive solutions for better realization of the policies; review the establishment and functions and tasks of the management boards of construction sites; coordinate with the State Bank of Viet Nam to remove credit obstacles to support the recovery and development of the real property market in a healthy and real manner.

- The Ministry of Transport shall carry out comprehensive measures to ensure traffic order and safety, continue accelerating vehicle load control; put forward measures to mobilize non-state capital for traffic infrastructure development; develop a project transfer operation rights of certain infrastructure projects to investors, then report to the Government for consideration; ensure the schedules of traffic projects; transfer the remaining Government bond capital of Deo Ca tunnel to Hai Van No. 2 tunnel project; spend the capital surplus of the Highway No. 1 and Tay Nguyen section of Ho Chi Minh Road projects on other affiliated works to ensure the efficiency investment of the two projects.

- The Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Public Security shall focus on preventing, fighting and stopping all acts of sabotage; ensure national defense, security, social order and safety; maintain independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Ministry of Public Security shall actively coordinate with and suggest local authorities at all levels to timely handle petitions and urgent matters of citizens in order to avoid spontaneous acts that may damage security and order; actively conduct traffic patrols in order to ensure traffic safety during festivals.

- The Ministry of Information and Communications shall step up information dissemination of the country’s major festivals, timely and fully provide information regarding the Party’s guidelines, State’s laws and performance of the Government. Ministries and agencies shall enhance coordination in policy explanation on mass media to create social consensus.

- Ministries and agencies shall focus on drafting and ensuring the quality and schedules of projects that they are assigned to present at the 9th working session of the 13th National Assembly; review and report on the implementation of project contents committed before the National Assembly, explain issues concerned by the National Assembly deputies and citizens; quicken the promulgation of legal documents guiding the implementation of laws.

- Ministries, agencies and localities shall drastically realize the Resolution 19, focus on reviewing and issuing their own action plans to improve business environment and competitiveness, which include clear targets, tasks, progress and roadmap in order to create evident changes in each sector and field. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall sum up and report to the Government the outcomes of the implementation of Resolution 19 at the Cabinet meeting held in June.

- Ministers, heads of agencies and Chairmen of provincial and centrally governed cities shall be responsible before the Government and the Prime Minister for the outcomes of improving business environment and competitiveness in their assigned scope of competence.

2. Regarding the issuance of sovereign bonds to the international capital markets through 2020

The Ministry of Finance shall be assigned to take prime responsibility and coordinate with the State Bank of Viet Nam, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, and relevant ministries and agencies to collect the Cabinet members’ comments, thereby finalize the Project on issuing sovereign bonds to the international capital markets through 2020, and report to the Prime Minister before submitting it to the competent agency for approval.

3. Stabilization of milk prices for children under six years old

The Government agreed to continue maximum price management in accordance with Clause 7, Article 17 of the Law on Price for milk products for children under six years old from June 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016. During such period, State agencies shall review and fix proper maximum prices in case of emerging objective reasons that affect milk prices.

Organizations and individuals involving in production, business and distribution of milk products shall make up price lists for milk products for children under six years old, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Prices.

The Ministry of Finance shall take prime responsibility, provide instructions and coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Information and Communication and relevant ministries and agencies and the People’s Committees of provinces and central governed cities in organizing the implementation of the above direction.

The Viet Nam Fatherland Front, its members and mass media agencies are asked to join, supervise and detect violations of price management regulations. Violations shall be strictly fined in accordance with laws.

4. Allocation of budget for science and technology tasks in 2015 (second time)

The Government unanimously agreed to continue budget allocation to ministries, central agencies which are assigned to manage national level science and technology programs and tasks. The budget shall not be disbur sed through the national fund for science and technology development.

Ministries, central agencies shall have to quicken the implementation of their tasks with the allocated budget volumes in accordance with relevant legal regulations. The Ministry of Science and Technology shall be responsible for the allocation and efficiency of national science and technology tasks; quickly issue instructions for detailed implementation of Decree 95/2014/ND-CP dated October 17, 2014.

5. Regarding the outcomes of the National Target Program on sustainable poverty reduction in the 2011-2015 and proposals for the similar program for the 2016-2020 period

The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs shall take prime responsibility ad coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs and relevant agencies to collect the Cabinet members’ comments, thereby finalize the Report on the implementation of the National Target Program on sustainable poverty reduction in the 2011-2015 and proposals for the National Target Program on sustainable poverty reduction in the 2016-2020 period in the direction of integrating projects and programs to avoid overlapping contents with the National Target Program on building new- style rural areas, and to focus resources for especially difficult communes, then report to the National Steering Committee for sustainable poverty reduction before submitting to the Government for consideration and decision.

Regarding the health insurance policies for poor households, households in danger of falling into poverty, the Government agreed to continue these policies in line with Decision 09/2011/QD-TTg dated January 30, 2011 on setting norms on poor households and households in danger of falling into poverty, applicable between 2011-2015 and for families working in agriculture, forestry, aquaculture, and salt farming sectors with just affording an average living standard in accordance with Decision 32/2014/QD-TTg dated May 27, 2014, pending new regulations.

6. Regarding the pilot issuance of licenses for manpower export

In order to timely remove difficulties against businesses, create jobs for redundant laborers, increase incomes and improve the qualifications of Vietnamese sailors, the Government agreed to allow pilot issuance of licenses to the Petroleum Transport Corporation to export manpower.

The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs shall take prime responsibility and coordinate with relevant ministries and agencies to mull over, amend and supplement Decree 126/2007/ND-CP dated August 1, 2007 of the Government on detailed implementation of the Law on Vietnamese workers working abroad under contracts, in a simplified procedures, then submit it to the Government for consideration and decision.

7. Regarding E-government development

The Ministry of Information and Communications shall take prime responsibility and coordinate with the Office of Government and relevant agencies to collect the Cabinet members’ comments, quickly submit to the Government a National program on information technology application among State agencies for the 2016-2020; draft the Prime Minister’s Instruction which defines particular tasks of each ministry, agency and locality to implement solutions to accelerate E-government development.

The Ministry of Information and Communications shall base on United Nations’ norms and methods of data collection and calculation regarding E-government to finalize norms for evaluation of information technology application among ministries, agencies and localities; provide instructions for ministries, agencies and localities, coordinate with the United Nations’ bodies in synchronously accessing E-government in order to increase the competitiveness of the economy.

8. Regarding the draft Decree guiding implementation of some articles of the Law on Vocational Training

Regarding State management of vocational training, the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs shall continue to be the managing agency as currently regulated.

The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs shall take prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Justice, the Office of Government and relevant ministries and agencies to collect the Cabinet members’ comments, thereby edit and finalize the draft Decree, then submit it to the Prime Minister for signature while designing documents attached with this Decree.

9. Regarding the draft Decree on the establishment of the Viet Nam- Republic of Korea Science and Technology Institute

The Government agreed on the content of the draft Decree; the Ministry of Science and Technology shall take prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Justice, Office of Government to collect the Cabinet members’ comments, thereby correct and finalize the draft Decree before submitting it to the Prime Minister for signature.

10. Regarding the Government’s draft Report on public consultation on and correction of the amendments to the Civil Code

The Ministry of Justice shall continue to collect public comments through reports of ministries, agencies and localities; take prime responsibility and coordinate with relevant ministries and agencies to collect comments of the Cabinet members, thereby finalize the Government’s draft Report on public consultation on and correction of the amendments to the Civil Code. Complicated and important issues with different opinions will be reported to the National Assembly for consideration and decision.

The Minister of Justice shall be authorized by the Prime Minister and act on behalf of the Government to submit the draft Report to the National Assembly.

11. Regarding draft Decree on providing legal opinions

The Government agreed with the contents explained by the Ministry of Justice. The Ministry of Justice shall take prime responsibility and coordinate with the Office of Government to collect the Cabinet members’ comments, thereby correct and finalize the draft Decree before submitting to the Prime Minister for signature./.




Nguyen Tan Dung



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              Resolution No. 33/NQ-CP The Government’s regular meeting April 2015
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